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Photoshop Tagged Blog Posts
Smooth Gradients in Photoshop
Posted on 10/24/2012 at 10:16 am | Viewed 14,930 times | 0 comments
Every now and then, when I look really close at a design in Photoshop, I see that one of my color gradient layers looks really bad. I didn't know what this was called, until I searched around for how to get smooth gradients in Photoshop.
Best Way To Get Transparent PNGs Without Any Hacks
Posted on 10/21/2012 at 10:27 am | Viewed 14,159 times | 0 comments
I avoided PNG images for quite a while, mainly because I could accomplish almost every task with transparent GIFs (if not, I could change the design ever so slightly). Fast forward a few years and web designs are far too complex and textured to only use transparent GIFs, plus it's so much cooler to say "ping" than "gif". Another reason I avoided using transparent PNGs was due to the ability to make IE (Internet Explorer) crash (suprise!). Finally, I avoided using PNG images on my website because their filesize was ridiculous (what I could do in 10kb using a Gif, would take 71kb as a PNG).
Read: Best Way To Get Transparent PNGs Without Any Hacks | View: Comments
12 Essential Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
Posted on 12/21/2009 at 05:05 pm | Viewed 12,616 times | 0 comments
I remember about 7 years ago watching my friend use Adobe Illustrator. He was a communications design major and used his keyboard more than his mouse. I was blown away when I realized how much time you could save by learning keyboard shortcuts for Adobe's products. This is my list of the best Adobe Photoshop keyboard shortcuts for web designers.
Read: 12 Essential Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts | View: Comments
Fixing the Default HP OfficeJet Scanner Settings (which suck)
Posted on 05/28/2009 at 11:11 pm | Viewed 13,292 times | 0 comments
The default settings for my OfficeJet L7500 All-In-One Scanner suck! I thought the scanner was junk. Every photo I scanned, espcially glossy finished photos, were coming out looking like they were from a 1960s era camera: over-exposed and super high contrast. Not good! I thought I had good Photoshop skills, but even they were no match for the over-exposed mess that HP was sending into Photoshop.
Read: Fixing the Default HP OfficeJet Scanner Settings (which suck) | View: Comments
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