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Reordering Trees in CakePHP 1.3
Posted on 11/07/2013 at 01:39 pm by Kevin Wentworth
Viewed 10,967 times | 0 comments
Every time I add a new record to a tree it was added to the end of the list. This is OK for small lists, but once you get a big list, it's impossible to find things. It would be great if we could sort the tree list by the displayField... and you can:
Reorder CakePHP Trees
It's easy with the built in function (although it might take a while to run)
$this->Model->reorder(); (documentation)
Here is the default settings:
- $options = array( 'id' => null, 'field' => $model->displayField, 'order' => 'ASC', 'verify' => true);
Tree Reordering Not Working?
I found an important gotcha. It appears to be hard-coded that top-level parents must have a parent_id of NULL (not zero). This is really important, otherwise the reorder operation will not work.
-Kevin Wentworth

Tags for Reordering Trees in CakePHP 1.3
Web Programming | Cakephp 13 | Cakephp | Usage
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