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Weird Git Error After Upgrade: Repository not found. Make sure you include the .git
Posted on 02/02/2010 at 08:18 am by Kevin Wentworth
Viewed 16,165 times | 0 comments
This isn't a weird error in that I've never seen it (ususally when I forget to load up Pagaent before attempting Github push/pulls). It's weird because everything was working perfectly and then I couldn't do anything from remote! I upgraded msysgit recently and hadn't tried to do any remote commands until yesterday. And I kept getting the following error in Git Gui:
ERROR: Repository not found. Make sure you include the .git, e.g. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I found a posting on the github support forum that finally clued me in on where I could see what "address" was tied to the named remote in Git Gui. Until this point I couldn't even see what the "origin" remote address was! If you go into the Git repository folder you'll see a folder named .git. In that folder is a file named config. That's where you can see what remote addresses are tied to each remote shortcut for that Git repository.
My issue was in my .git/config file
Looking at my .git/config file I noticed that there was actually a '\n' in the config file at the end of my remote url config block. I figured that might be the problem, so I removed it and reloaded Git Gui. It worked! Somewhere in my upgrade a windows style line ending must have been turned into an escaped character instead of an actual new line.
My .git/config file before and after:
- [core]
- repositoryformatversion = 0
- filemode = false
- bare = false
- logallrefupdates = true
- symlinks = false
- ignorecase = true
- [gui]
- geometry = 1016x572
- [remote "origin"]
- url =\n
- fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
And, after (no line ending after url=):
- [core]
- repositoryformatversion = 0
- filemode = false
- bare = false
- logallrefupdates = true
- symlinks = false
- ignorecase = true
- [gui]
- geometry = 1016x572
- [remote "origin"]
- url =
- fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
-Kevin Wentworth
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Tags for Weird Git Error After Upgrade: Repository not found. Make sure you include the .git
Git | Usage | Windows | Errors
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Please Email Kevin if you have any questions. Thanks!